a group of ladies who love to sing and harmonise ........ singing
in the unaccompanied 'a capella' style
HISTORY - Our local group
first appeared in public at a Christmas concert in December 1998.
then we've performed for many local fund-raising functions, and
special occasions - such as the Ulladulla visit of the "Endeavour"
and and Federation Day. We've had a great deal of pleasure from
our performances, and great encouragement from our audiences.
sing in four parts graded from the higher 'tenor' and 'lead'
voices, through to 'baritones' and 'basses.'
We're always seeking new voices for our group. Any interested
ladies are invited to contact our committee members (- see below)
for further information ... or just come along to our practice
sessions, which are held each Wednesday evening, 7 pm - in the
Catholic Church Hall, next to the St Vincent de Paul outlet in
Green Street, Ulladulla.
Musical Director - Barbara Fletcher - 4454 0438
Secretary - Morag Effield - 4455 3771 | email - morag@internode.on.net
the 'Endeavour' at Ulladulla |