For Riche
If you're quiet
you can hear someone
building the world grain
by grain keeping that sky
steady holding their breath
risking trust and love
proving that risk by failing
starting again in that
strong way quiet men do.
If you're quiet
you can hear time walking
towards you on the gravel path
befriending some, ignoring others.
If you're quiet you can taste
salt and hear the final fold
hear the closing and farewell
hear adieu and disbelief.
If you're quiet you can hear
the dawn creaking into day
the great planet heaving round
a not-understood absence.
When you're quiet all things
coalesce; the man becomes
the earth, the dreams become the sky,
the friends and darlings, stones.
When you're quiet
the world is you, and you
the world, just as
it always was.
© Chris Mansell